Showing posts with label create direct mail campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label create direct mail campaign. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Harnessing the Magic of Color in Print Marketing: A Journey into Emotions

Harnessing the Magic of Color in Print Marketing: 
A Journey into Emotions

"Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions." - Pablo Picasso

Imagine if you could tap into the subtle art of color to evoke emotions, capture attention, and leave an indelible mark on your print marketing materials. It's not just the words on your paper that matter; it's the vibrant shades that speak volumes. Let's dive into the enchanting world of color psychology and explore how your business can make a statement that demands attention.

**Unlocking the Psychology of Colors**

The world of color isn't just about aesthetics; it's a silent language that can convey a world of emotions and moods. Your choice of color can either be a powerful ally or a missed opportunity. To make your print marketing materials truly resonate, consider the following color palettes and the emotions they stir:

**1. Red: Excitement, Passion, Anger**
   - Did you know that the color red can awaken your appetite? It's no coincidence that many renowned restaurants embrace the fiery allure of red to encourage customers to indulge in their culinary delights. Red symbolizes excitement, passion, and even a hint of fiery anger.

**2. Blue: Calm, Peaceful, Trust**
   - Banks and financial institutions have mastered the art of trust-building through their choice of color. The calm and peaceful vibes of blue send a message of reliability and assurance. When you see blue, you know you're in safe hands.

**3. Green: Nature, Growth, Optimism**
   - Green is the color of nature, growth, and boundless optimism. Many tech companies are wise to utilize this refreshing hue, linking it to the promise of growth and transformation. Just as we connect green with lush, flourishing landscapes, it's a testament to the endless possibilities in the business world.

**Your Journey to Print Marketing Excellence Begins Now**

In the world of print marketing, colors are your secret weapon. They can draw your audience in, evoke emotions, and drive engagement. To make your marketing materials stand out, embrace the power of color and ensure it aligns with your brand's essence.

**Now is the time to take action.** 
Reach out to one of our marketSMART marketing experts at Duplicates INK for personalized guidance on your next project. Let us help you craft print marketing materials that not only captivate but also connect with your audience on a deeper level. Embrace the magic of color, and let's set your business on the path to success.

**Contact us today to begin your vibrant journey:**
- Phone: 843-248-2574
- Email:

Let's make your brand shine brighter than ever before!

Monday, October 2, 2023

9 Lead Generation Ideas Using Print by Duplicates INK - marketSMART

Print media continues to be an effective tool for lead generation. 

Its tangible nature allows you to connect with a broad audience, making it a valuable addition to your marketing strategy. 

Best of all, print media can be a cost-efficient option, especially when compared to digital advertising.

Consider These 9 Effective Print Strategies for Generating Leads! 

Incorporating these tips into your print media initiatives can enhance your lead-generation efforts and achieve better results. 

1. Coupons

Send postcards or hand out flyers with special coupons for services and products.

Encourage customers to sign up for the coupon by providing a unique code that can be used online or in-store. This is one metric you can use to track the campaign's success.

2. Print Ads

Place print ads in high-traffic areas like waiting rooms, lobbies, or train stations.

Make sure your ad stands out with attention-grabbing design and copy.

3. Posters

Hang posters in popular venues such as shops, cafes, or bars.

Include a QR code that customers can scan to sign up for more information on your services or products.

4. Brochures

Design an attractive brochure with detailed descriptions of your products and services, and hand them out at trade shows or other industry events.

5. Direct Mail

Create a direct mail campaign that targets potential customers in your area with relevant offers based on their interests or location.


Place bookmarks or business cards at local libraries, schools, or community centers and encourage people to take them.

7. Loyalty Program

Start a loyalty program with special discounts or rewards for customers who sign up and share their contact information.

8. Event Sponsorship

Sponsor a local event and have your brand logo printed on all promotional materials such as t-shirts, posters, or banners.

9. Signage

Print eye-catching signs for your storefront, displays, and sidewalks that contain your brand's name and message.

Unlock the Potential of Print to Drive New Leads for Your Business!

To maximize the impact of print media on lead generation, here are some tips to consider:

Targeted Distribution

Identify the demographics and interests of your target audience and strategically distribute your print materials in locations where they are most likely to be found.

Eye-Catching Design

Invest in visually appealing designs that effectively capture attention and communicate your message.

Utilize color schemes, images, and typography to create a compelling visual experience.

Compelling Content

Craft persuasive content that highlights the benefits and uniqueness of your products or services.

Use storytelling techniques to engage readers and leave a lasting impression.


Include a clear call-to-action in your print materials, guiding readers on the next steps.

Whether visiting your website, calling a phone number, or visiting a physical location, put yourself in the customer's shoes and make it easy for potential leads to take action.

Measurement and Analysis

Implement tracking mechanisms, such as unique URLs or promo codes, to measure the effectiveness of your print media campaigns.

Analyze the data collected to optimize your future strategies.

Need help creating compelling and high-quality sales and marketing materials? Contact us today for a consultation, and let us guide you through the process. 

Duplicates INK - marketSMART

Monday, August 7, 2023

Reviving the Past: The Resurgence of Retro Marketing

In an era overflowing with cutting-edge marketing techniques, one might assume that the appeal of retro approaches has waned. Surprisingly, that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, the allure of these classic methods has experienced a remarkable resurgence.

The underlying reason behind this phenomenon lies in the enduring effectiveness of these strategies. As the digital landscape becomes increasingly crowded, with countless brands vying for online attention, time-tested methods like SMS, email, and direct mail are making a powerful comeback. Returning to these traditional tactics enables companies to establish more genuine and impactful connections with their target audiences.

Exploring Retro Marketing Retro marketing is a modern term that encapsulates marketing practices originating from two or more decades ago. This category encompasses:

  1. SMS (Short Message Service): An early form of mobile communication, SMS allows businesses to send concise and timely messages to customers. These messages range from reminders and offers to surveys and coupons.

  2. Email: Despite its age, email marketing remains versatile and popular. It enables brands to deliver personalized, valuable content directly to subscribers. This approach boasts a high open rate and reduces dependence on major social networks.

  3. Direct Mail: The epitome of retro, direct mail entails sending physical postcards, flyers, and letters with marketing materials. This method effectively distinguishes companies amidst their competition.

The Effectiveness of Retro Marketing Retro marketing's efficacy derives from its profound impact on customers and target audiences. Several factors contribute to its effectiveness:

  1. Evoking Nostalgia: Retro marketing taps into nostalgia, a potent emotion that drives human behavior. Whether it's a direct mail piece or an SMS, these mediums trigger feelings of happiness as recipients reminisce about the past.

  2. Fostering Trust and Credibility: Utilizing old-school methods fosters trust and credibility. Customers are more likely to stay loyal, make recommendations, and engage with brands that communicate through these familiar channels.

A Pioneer in Retro Marketing: Duplicates INK - marketSMART For over three decades, Duplicates INK - marketSMART has been a trailblazer in retro marketing. Their expertise lies in helping clients navigate this dynamic landscape, capitalizing on conventional methods to achieve exceptional results. With a legacy of delivering impactful messages, Duplicates INK - marketSMART continues to assist businesses in building lasting connections.

Text 'em All: A Case in Point An exemplar of retro marketing mastery is Text 'em All, a mass texting service. This company thrives by aiding clients in reaching their audiences via time-honored text messages. The inherent effectiveness of text messages stems from their format—unlike emails, text messages are difficult to ignore, creating a direct and immediate engagement.

The Power of Personalization Old-school marketing techniques excel in personalizing brands. Companies leveraging email or SMS stand out from the crowd, capturing their audience's attention. Personalization is straightforward, requiring systems to respond to specific words using specialized software. This approach can yield up to a 4-12% improvement in response rates, according to Text 'em All.

Engagement and Interaction Retro marketing's success lies in its ability to foster engagement and interaction. Direct mail, email, and SMS enable two-way communication, encouraging dialogue between customers and brands. Text 'em All's approach to mass SMS allows for interactive experiences that enhance engagement, facilitating seamless conversations.

Embrace Retro Marketing for Your Success To effectively incorporate retro marketing into your business strategy, consider the following steps:

  1. Know Your Audience: Understand your target audience's preferences, needs, and communication style before selecting retro marketing methods.

  2. Integrate with Digital: Rather than operating retro marketing in isolation, integrate it with your digital efforts to create a cohesive approach.

  3. Test and Measure: Employ clear goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the impact of your retro marketing campaigns.

Harness the Power of Retro Marketing with Duplicates INK - marketSMART Ready to harness the potential of retro marketing? Look no further than Duplicates INK - marketSMART. With a legacy spanning over 30 years, our expertise can guide you toward meaningful and impactful connections with your audience. To learn more, call 843-248-2574 or schedule a simple discovery call with one of marketing experts by visiting this link. Explore our website at and reach out via email at Don't miss out on the revival of retro marketing—embrace it for your brand's success.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

5 Key Factors for Planning a Profitable Direct Mail Piece by Duplicates INK - marketSMART

5 Key Factors for Planning a Profitable Direct Mail Piece by Duplicates INK - marketSMART

Hey there! Are you considering using direct mail as a marketing strategy to promote your company? Well, you’re in luck! I’ve got some tips on how to create engaging direct mail without breaking the bank.

At Duplicates INK - marketSMART, our Expert Team can assist you in making your next direct mail project profitable. Here are five budget-friendly tips to help you craft an effective direct mail piece:

1. Use Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®)

Purchasing a mailing list can be quite expensive, but with EDDM®, you can send your direct mail to one specific mail route or multiple routes without investing in a mailing list. This method saves your company money, and it’s more profitable regarding production costs and postage. Immediate Pricing for EDDM projects including postage HERE

2. Go Bold With Colors

Don’t be afraid to use lots of colors! If your company’s printing supplier does their printing digitally, this won’t increase the cost of printing, but it WILL catch your customers’ attention and boost your reply rates. In fact, 85% of consumers share that color and visual appearance are the most critical factor when considering whether or not to buy a product, compared to text, which only has 6% influence.

  1. Try a 2-Way Match Concept

Instead of designing multiple components for your direct mail piece, such as a letter, reply card, and envelope, consider creating a single component with multiple pieces. You could use a perforated line to create a tear-off reply section, which will then be processed as a 2-way match of the letter and its envelope. This will cut down the manufacturing cost of printing your direct mail.

  1. Keep it Light

Keeping your mail’s weight in mind will serve your company’s budget well. There are many options for flat items that you can include without raising the cost of postage or requiring unique packaging, such as coupon cards and discount codes, decals or stickers, magnets, bookmarks, and other small goodies.

  1. Choose Paper and Envelopes Wisely

Getting creative with your direct mail designs is an excellent idea, but don’t underestimate the importance of the basics. Using text paper, cover stock, and neutral-colored papers can save you time and money. When choosing envelopes, standard-sized envelopes with standard windows will likely be the most available and, therefore, the most cost-effective option.

No matter the size of your budget, Duplicates INK - marketSMART is here to help make your next print marketing campaign successful. Contact us today to learn more about how our Expert Team can assist with making your next direct mail project profitable.

Duplicates INK

Monday, February 13, 2023

Direct Mail & Email campaign Check out this Ultimate Guide

The Ultimate Guide to Running a Print + Email Campaign with Duplicates INK - marketSMART 

At Duplicates INK - marketSMART, we understand the power of combining print and email campaigns for a successful marketing strategy. 

Print marketing offers tangible, attention-grabbing materials while email marketing helps build customer relationships and increase brand awareness through a vast reach to billions of email users worldwide. To help you craft a winning print + email campaign, we've put together this guide filled with expert tips and tricks. 

The Print Campaign: Driving Sales with Proper Execution 

    1.  Choose Your Audience - To maximize impact, make sure to send your print material to the right customers. Consider targeting those who have already bought from you. 

    2.  Design the Print Marketing Piece - Choose from postcards, stickers, posters, flyers, or booklets to pair with your email campaign. 

    3.   Engagement & Brand Recognition - Make sure to include a call to action, personalization, and a design that sticks to your branding guide for the best results. 

    4.  Send out a Test Run First - To ensure a high return on investment, do a test run of your print campaign to a smaller segment of your target market and make improvements based on the results. 

    5.  Be Patient - Results may take time to come in, but remember the staying power of print can make a big impact. 

The Email Campaign: Boosting Sales with Optimal Segmentation and Personalization Putting Together 

    1.  Your Email List - Focus on creating email segmentation for personalization based on factors like location, buyer stage, previous purchases, occupation, and hobbies. Offer something valuable in exchange for email addresses. 

    2.  General Email Marketing Tips - Optimize for mobile, research the best send time, craft a compelling subject line, use proven templates, and comply with email regulation laws. 

The Winning Strategy: Maximizing Impact with a Multi-Channel Approach At Duplicates INK - marketSMART, we recommend sending a couple of emails, following up with direct mail, and then sending more emails. 

This allows you to get your company in the customers' minds and make multiple points of contact to increase the chances of making a sale.

 Contact one of our expert marketers at Duplicates INK to discuss your next marketing campaign. Reach us by phone at 843-248-2574, email at, or visit our website at

Let us help you take your print marketing strategy to the next level by combining it with email.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

What 7 Special Day-Themed Direct Mail Campaign Ideas for Winter and Spring are you using to promote your business?

Our team at Duplicates INK - marketSMART is constantly creating ways to make your direct mail marketing campaigns more relevant, engaging and effective.  Here are the latest ideas to help you.

Research shows customers are more likely to buy when you get creative with ‘special’ day-themed promotions.

Winter and spring are full of international and national holidays, like the seven detailed below, providing plenty of room and creativity for direct mail campaigns. 

7 Special Day-Themed Direct Mail Campaign Ideas for Winter and Spring

1. Black History Month: February 

Black History Month is intended to celebrate the achievements of African Americans in the history of the United States. 

Do some research to find influential Black figures who shaped your business. Share their hard work and contributions in a flier or brochure. 

2. Valentine’s Day: February 14

A day meant for romance, with romantic partners sharing their appreciation for each other with gifts.

Many also use this day to share their love and appreciation for their friends. 

Remind your customers about the upcoming holiday and suggest gifts to make a partner’s day. Recipients will be grateful you reminded them and provided them with a quick, easy gift idea.  

3. Pi Day: March 14

3.14 are the first digits of Pi, which is why it is celebrated on March 14. 

A day for both mathematicians and pie lovers, Pi Day is the time for mathematicians to recite the endless digits of Pi, which is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter.

Show your business’s appreciation for Pi and pie by sending direct mail to customers on this special day. If your company sells pie, even better. If not, perhaps share products or services your business provides that could make Pi Day all the more special. 

4. Saint Patrick’s Day:  March 17

This day originally commemorated St. Patrick with religious services and feasts; today, it is mainly a secular holiday meant to celebrate all things Irish. 

Get ready to send out lots of green: green paper that advertises everything you sell that is green. If your business has any Irish roots, now’s the time to share that information. 

5. Easter: April 9

Easter was initially meant for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.

Today, many traditions surround the holiday, and religious and non-religious people celebrate it. 

Try sending out mail with easter eggs and bunny imagery. On the back of easter egg-shaped cutouts, provide coupons or vouchers for free samples. If you have easter themed products, be sure to advertise them. 

6. Star Wars Day: May 4

Star Wars lovers can be pretty enthusiastic. The day comes from a play on words: “May the fourth be with you.” 

Celebrate Star Wars Day with your customers by sending Star Wars-themed direct mail and sharing any Star Wars-related products or services. 

7. Mother’s Day: May 14

Mother’s day is a lovely holiday meant to celebrate and show appreciation for mothers. 

Have your business show its appreciation for mothers by sending out a mother’s day card with free samples and coupons. Help make mothers feel special. 

With hundreds of holidays, some more well-known than others, your business has plenty of opportunities to create special day-themed direct mail.

Check out a more exhaustive list of holidays to find one that would be the perfect fit for your business. Contact us today to get started on your next spring or winter campaign!

Duplicates INK - marketSMART where marketing doesn't cost it pays!

Duplicates INK - marketSMART - 843-248-2574. or


Monday, January 30, 2023

Do you know 5 Ways to Use Personalization in Print Marketing to Get Noticed by Your Customers?

For over 30 years our team at Duplicates INK - marketSMART has worked hard to provide our clients with the most effective forms of print communications that fit within their budget.  We found that personalization ALWAYS has a stronger impact than static print.

Using print marketing is a great way to get your company’s name out there and let customers know what services you offer.

But what if there was a way to increase the effectiveness of your printed ads, creating a better experience for your existing customers and drawing in new ones?

According to a study by Accenture, 91% of customers are more likely to purchase from companies who recognize and remember them, providing them with relevant offers or recommendations. 

Here are five easy ways to add personalization to your print marketing plan!

5 Ways to Personalize Your Company’s Print Marketing

1. Use Variable Data Printing

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) databases are an easy way for your company to accumulate and sort information about your customers.

Then, to use the data that your CRM has gathered and incorporate it into your print marketing, use Variable Data Printing (VDP) to create a variety of personalized print ads that will better suit the customers to whom you’re sending them. VDP uses more than just the customer’s name: it can also alter your ad’s layout, images, and promotions shown.

Using VDP for print ads results in 3-10 times higher response rates than non-personalized direct mail.

2. Use QR Codes on Your Print Marketing

QR codes are a modern and easy way to quickly send interested customers from your printed materials to your company’s website or social media accounts.

QR codes have many different capabilities, but one of the best ways you can use them to create personalized experiences for your customers is by tracking the links they clicked after the QR code has been scanned. Then you can use that information to determine which services or products are most attractive to your customers and personalize your advertising.

3. Respond to Constructive Feedback

Some customers can find some targeted marketing methods to be invasive or unhelpful.

However, research has shown that 45% of customers appreciate one kind of personalization: personal apologies from companies after negative experiences in-store or online.

So if customers leave a dissatisfied review or experience difficulties while shopping in your store, take note of their information and send them a letter apologizing for the inconvenience. They will appreciate your efforts to make things right with them and will be more likely to purchase from your company again!

4. Personalized Print Inserts

Although completely customized catalogs might be the most personalized route you can take with your direct mail, compiling a unique catalog for each customer would be quite cost prohibitive.

An alternative is to use VDP or another method to create customized inserts for your mail.

You could also consider including customized coupons to draw customers to your store by offering discounts on the products they’d likely be interested in.

5. Choose Personalized Images

Visuals are essential- they catch your customers’ attention and can determine whether or not they open your mail.

Focusing your personalization on the images in your print marketing could have a significant impact. Using the data you’ve gathered about a customer’s demographic, include images that cater to their preferences and interests.

Personalization is the strategy to push your company’s print marketing the extra mile- engaging your customers and standing out from others in your field. Contact us today to get personal on your next print marketing campaign!

Reach out to one of our marketing specialist at Duplicates INK - marketSMART to have a no obligation consultation.  Our number is 843-248-2574 or email at

Friday, January 6, 2023

Are You Using Behavioral Science to Increase Direct Mail Response? Here are 3 how to tips.

For 30 years I've preached that sales and marketing were a science.  Understanding and embracing this is exactly what has helped Duplicates INK - marketSMART become a leader and experts in Direct Mail Marketing.

Regardless of how you look at it, direct mail marketing isn't just successful - it's positively thriving. 
According to a recent study, approximately 73% of consumers say they prefer to be contacted by brands using direct mail rather than by alternative means like email. This preference is because they can read physical mail at their convenience. Not only that, but about 40% of direct mail recipients either fully read or, at the very least, scan what they receive - as opposed to something like an email that is far too easy to ignore.  

But as effective as direct mail is by its very nature, there are still ways to increase the engagement you can generate between you and the members of your target audience. Behavioral science is a great way to accomplish that, but it is a concept that will require you to keep a few critical things in mind. 

3 Tips for Using Behavioral Science to Increase Direct Mail Response 

Don't Neglect "Magnet" Words

One of the best ways you can use behavioral science to increase direct mail response is using what are called "magnet" words. 
People lead busy lives - you can only expect them to read some of the last words on a piece of direct mail marketing that you send out. What they're likely to do is skim. 
While doing so, if they see words like "now," "announcing," or "introducing," they're much more likely to pay attention. That's because these types of magnet words bring a natural sense of urgency, which can capture someone's interest and get them to pay attention to the rest of your message.  

Do Whatever You Can to Stand Out

Think briefly about all the mail you receive on a given day. 
Most of it probably looks incredibly similar - it's pieces of mail in a standard envelope size that are virtually indistinguishable from one another. Therefore, even something seemingly simple as sending out print marketing pieces that are an "unusual size" can be a great way to attract attention. It differentiates your marketing materials from everything else someone might receive that day. 
At the very least, it gets them to pay attention in a way that will likely be more engaging than something similar to everything else in their mailbox.  

The Power of Testimonials

Another of the best ways to use behavioral science to increase direct mail response involves including testimonials in your print marketing whenever possible. 
People aren't just going to take your word for it that your products and services can do what you say they can. They want to hear it from people they trust, and if they can't hear that from a friend or family member, that's okay - testimonials and quotes from honest, satisfied customers will work just as well. 
Testimonials show someone that another customer has been in a situation similar to the one they now find themselves in, and yours was the business that helped answer a question, solve a problem, or generally provide value to their lives in some way. Once the testimonial convinces them, they're much more likely to listen to the rest of what you have to say - which can get them to come down off the proverbial fence and make a purchase before you know it.  
If you'd like to find out more about increasing your direct mail response rates or have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us today! 

Duplicates INK - marketSMART

#duplicatesink #marketsmart #directmailmarketing #marketingscience


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

How do you engage your customers with Direct Mail?

Our team at Duplicates INK - marketSMART predicts 2023 will be a resurgence in direct mail.  However it will evolve, integrating the marketing message with digital channels that support the direct mail efforts.

In today’s tech-savvy world, it might be easy to assume that the best way to catch the attention of your potential customers is through digital ads. In reality, according to Marketing Sherpa, 76% of consumers said they would trust printed ads they received in the mail when making a purchase, while only 25% said they would trust online pop-ups. 
The advertisements you’re sending out through the mail can significantly impact customers. Here are seven ways to design direct mail to make your company stand out! 

7 Tips to Refresh Your Direct Mail Strategy

1. For direct mail, BIGGER IS BETTER!

Research has found that using a larger envelope increases the response rate from customers by 53% when compared with the same content being sent in a standard-sized envelope. 
Try something new by sending out your mail in larger, oversized envelopes to intrigue your recipients to read what’s inside! 

2. Use POSTCARDS instead of letters for your direct mail.

In addition to being a cost-effective choice for your company (no envelopes necessary!), using postcards can be a unique way to switch up your mailing strategy. 
Postcards are eye-catching, concisely deliver your message, and are often more interesting for readers than a traditional letter. 

3. Make your direct mail SEASONAL.

Putting extra effort into the visual appeal of your direct mail could have a significant impact. 
The Data & Marketing Association found that 27% of direct mail is still present within the household after 28 days. Incorporate a seasonally festive design into your mail- it’ll give your recipients a reason to keep it around, making them more likely to take a second look at it. 

4. Include COUPONS in your direct mail!

People love getting discounts! 
Include a sale code or a coupon brochure along with your company’s information to give your recipients a reason to purchase immediately. They won’t be able to resist checking out your website so they can score that deal! 

5. Make your direct mail PERSONAL.

Personalization in your communication is key to keeping customers interested in your brand. 
For life milestones like birthdays, send out cards! When your company has an anniversary, let your customers know. If you have a loyal, high-value customer, send them a thank-you! This practice will keep your customers feeling valued and connected to your company. 

6. Combine your direct mail with DIGITAL TOOLS.

While direct mail can significantly impact your customers, it’s no secret that sometimes online options are more attractive for today’s customers. 
Include the information on your printed mail for your company’s website or social media accounts. Allow customers to redeem coupons online rather than filling them out by hand and mailing them back. 

7. Re-evaluate your company’s MAILING LIST.

If your current direct mail strategy is falling short, try shifting some things around with who is receiving your mail. 
Instead of using a mass-marketing tactic, try a targeted mailing list to focus your efforts on your best leads. To get the most responses, you’ll need to ensure you send your information out to your target customers. 
Direct mail can be a great way to create interest in your company among a vast pool of recipients. That said, the printing quality for your company’s mail matters and our printing firm has got you covered with high-quality printing for any of your direct mailing needs. For more information, Call one of our marketSMART specialist at 843-248-2574 or email us at and you can always visit our website!

#duplicatesink #marketsmart #directmail #directmailmarketing #2023marketingstrategies

Thursday, December 22, 2022


Why Do Some of My Mailed Postcards Have Smudges or Scuff Marks?

Postcard Smudges

Our team at Duplicates INK - marketSMART genuinely takes PRIDE in the quality of projects that we produce.  Over the last 30 years we have earned over 60 Industry Awards for our quality of work.  When we process direct mail and it enters the mail stream we loose our ability to control the quality.   In this article we want to share with you a few reasons why your project may experience some "Smudges or Scuff Marks"

These smudges and rub or scuff marks have been referred to as “postcard (or mail) survivability.” Meaning, how well does the postcard survive while traveling through the high-speed rollers and sorting systems of the United States Postal Service (USPS)?

Rubbing/Scuffing Contact Marks

When the postcards hit the USPS mail system, a machine orients the postcard (or other piece of mail) and cancels the stamp or postage indicia. At the same time, a digital camera captures the address and ZIP code from the postcard and assigns a fluorescent inkjet barcode and identification number. 

Next, the postcard is passed through a Delivery Bar Code Sorter (DBCS) system. Depending on how far the mail piece has to travel, it may be processed by four to six different DBCS machines along the way to its final destination (local post office). These sorting machines are made up of a series of belts and rollers that sort the mail based on outgoing ZIP codes. The black rubber belts and rollers are typically the culprits and are usually the reason why you might see color smudges or scuffing on your postcards. The rollers physically grip and contact the postcard as it pushes it through to the correct ZIP code bin. If the roller applies too much pressure as it grips the mail, it may penetrate the color toner on the surface of the postcard, leaving scuff marks. Occasionally, the equipment may even rip the cards. Usually these marks occur about halfway to three-quarters of the way down on either side of the card where the high-speed belts make contact.

Postcards sent via first class that are deemed as undeliverable by the USPS (meaning that they cannot be delivered to the addressee) are especially vulnerable to scuffing and marking. The USPS takes extra steps to attempt to deliver this class of mail. These postcards are intentionally sent through the DBCS sorters several additional times to ensure that they are in fact “undeliverable” before they are deemed to be dead. Next time you get your first class undeliverable postcards returned to you- take note as to how scuffed they look.

Local Post Office Equipment Maintenance Is the Key

If your local USPS post office sorting machines are not calibrated correctly they can penetrate the postcard’s paper and color toner leaving black smudges, burn marks, scuffing, rub marks, tears, and/or even rips. Some people may think that these marks are because the ink wasn’t dry when it left the printer. This is not the case. In fact, digital printers like us don’t even use ink. We use color toner crystals that are instantly fused to the paper and dried—before the postcard comes off the printing press.

Since every USPS mail facility contains sorting equipment, it is left up to each location to decide how rigorous the schedule is for regular maintenance. Ideally, this type of equipment needs to be calibrated and maintained frequently. Regular routine maintenance has a profound impact on how well your postcards survive through the mailing process. Simply stated, it boils down to how your local post office appropriates its resources and keeps up with routine maintenance. Given USPS cutbacks and budget constraints, however, machine maintenance is one of the first items cut by local postmasters.

The Good News

It's typical that these scuff, burn, smudge marks do not happen to every piece of mail.  It's unfortunate that a beautifully printed project can end up with quality issues at time of delivery.  Another positive note is that when surveyed most purchasing decisions were not influenced by smudge marks on the mail received.

Duplicates INK - marketSMART can help you design print and mail your next project with amazing results.  Give one of our team members a call at 843-248-2574 or reach out via email

#duplicatesink #marketsmart #usps #directmailmarketing 

Friday, December 16, 2022

5 Call-To-Action Tips to Use on Your Print Marketing (And Why They Work)

You are the expert in your business space, be it auto service center, carpet cleaning services, real estate, landscaping or whatever else it may be, understand YOU know that business.   When it comes to marketing strategies and particularly how to integrate traditional direct mail with digital our team at Duplicates INK - marketSMART are the experts.  Our team builds strategies that get RESULTS!!!

What about using Call to Action aka CTA.

In its simplest form, a call to action tells the recipient to buy now. 

However, sometimes saying, "buy now!" won't be quite as effective as an alternative, more creative strategy. 

Below are some tips for crafting a call to action for your print marketing campaign so you can have a better response rate than the average of 4.23%. 

1. Be straightforward 

Tell the reader what they can expect if they complete the advertised action. 

No games, no tricks. If you say this is what will happen, then advertise it accurately. If the deal only holds if they buy $X in merchandise, then clearly communicate that. You're not doing yourself any favors by making a misleading call to action. It'll just frustrate the client. 

Avoid misleading calls to action by including relevant numbers, such as pricing and discounts. 

2. Use strong command verbs

Begin your call to action with a strong command verb. 

Strong command verbs can help people follow your call to action. In one study, ads with strong action verbs performed about 89% better than those without.

Examples include, 

  • Buy the customer-favorite product now!

  • Shop at our newly updated store!

  • Order through our quick and easy website!

  • Download the newsletter for insider knowledge!

  • Subscribe to be the first to know about all our amazing deals!

Often, people have a hard time saying no, even to words on a page. By using confident action verbs, people will do it. 

3. Be enthusiastic

Enthusiasm is contagious. 

If customers feel you are enthusiastic and believe in your product and service, they'll get excited too. In writing, enthusiasm is best shown through exclamation points, so use them often!

4. Advertise scarcity

People are busy, so you must find a way to get them to act immediately. 

Including a sense of scarcity in your call to action by showing it's for a limited time or while supplies last will prompt people to act fast. This will help prevent people from putting direct mail in their "I'll get to it later" pile. 

5. Differentiate from your competition

Companies with similar niches can sometimes advertise similar calls to action. 

Make yourself stand out from the competition by brainstorming ways your call to action can be unique. First, think of the things your company does that are better than the competition. Then find a way to weave that into the call to action.

Try getting creative and unique by asking your customers to complete an action not commonly requested. For example, try telling customers to read customer reviews instead of prompting them to buy, shop, order, download, or subscribe. Customers trust other customers' reviews. If you have positive customer reviews, advertise them in your call to action. Potential clients can see what items or services are most popular and why. 

Calls to action are a crucial part of your marketing technique. Without it, customers often won't act. Using strong command verbs and enthusiasm makes target markets likelier to respond. 

With all the thought and research you put into your print marketing campaigns, you will want an easy, smooth printing process. Once you've settled your call to action (and a thousand other details), reach out for a hassle-free printing process! 

If you're not quite sure where to start, reach out to one of our team members for a no obligation discovery call and lets see if Direct Mail Marketing is a good fit for your business.

Duplicates INK - marketSMART 


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